Pier Avenue Baptist Church
117 Pier Avenue, Clacton-on-Sea, CO15 1NJ | Sundays @ 10:30am
A Guide to the Site Structure
The layout of the pages has been done to try and lead you through the site in a logical and helpful way.
The Menu Header naming and that of the Sub-Menus should give you some insight into where to go for information.
In building this new Web site thanks is due to those who created the previous site and particularly the 2010 one for lots of the core information on things like out church history.
The layout of the pages has been done to try and lead you through the site in a logical and helpful way.
The section and pages under About Us does what it says, hopefully, and leads you in to an understanding of our Church, Our Vision, Church Family, Leadership Team and the history of ministers and the buildings and general church life.
Having explained about the Church this leads on to the next section of Next Steps and how to engage with the Church with everything from simple planning a visit, Learning and Growing, how you can play your part, the Ordinances (a word that won’t be familiar to many and finishing with Mission.

How to Get Involved is the next section and has information about the groups and organisations that are run in the church during the week plus other activities that operate within the building but are set up by other groups.
A section on Giving then one on our Halls and the hiring of our halls. Our facilities are substantial and well appointed and are a great asset for the church and those community groups that use our buildings for their events and activities.
The site concludes with the usual Contact page and useful practical information

Try Out the Image Links
Many of the images and pictures across the Web pages will have a direct link to the relevant page.
Give it a try from this page and see how it works.
This footer section will be developed over the next few weeks to link to the various pages that make up this Web site and will give you easy access to the information you are looking for.
About Us
Get Involved
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