Where to Park
Information on where you can park a carHow to Find Us
We are located in Pier Avenue opposite the Careline Office (TDC) and a little but up from the Methodist Church (currently not used for Worship Services).
The address and postcode is:
117 Pier Avenue, Clacton-on-Sea, CO15 1NJ
The telephone number is: 07763 520502
This phone is not manned and you will be connected to an answering machine. Calls are picked up a few times each week.
Church Building and Halls – Access
We have level access into the Church and all halls. We have toilet facilities for the disabled

Where to Park
There is limited parking at the church with a few spaces down each side of the church. On street parking is Warden controlled with a limit of 2 hours (please check as this can change) and no return within 4 hours.
The council operated main carpark is across the road from the church (foot path exit marked ‘To The Shops’ with the only entrance in behind the housing on Wellesley Road (see map opposite).